The applicant will need to demonstrate they have adequate accommodation in place for them when they are in the UK.
The size of the property will depend on the size of the family, as well as the number of people living there.
In order to demonstrate the property is available for the applicant, a number of documents will need to be provided, such as tenancy agreement or mortgage statements, title deeds and a property inspection report.
Genuine Relationship
Many of our clients ask us “how do we show our relationship is genuine?” This is a good question.
The genuineness of a relationship is very subjective and at Harris & Green Solicitors, our solicitors have assisted hundreds of applicants meeting the requirements of the Immigration Rules through the preparation of tailor-made documents, such as letters of references from friends and family, personal statements and other similar paperwork which is specific to the client’s case.
English Language
For applicants who are nationals of non-English majority speaking countries, they will need either pass an external English Language test at level A1 or above; or to have done a UK degree (or equivalent according to NARIC), which was taught in English.
Our UK qualified immigration Solicitors at Harris & Green Solicitors specialise in cases that involve family members. Having over 15 years of practical experience, we have the necessary skills, knowledge and understanding of the Immigration Rules to ensure you obtain a successful outcome.
If you have any questions in respect to the above requirements for a spouse/civil partner visa, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0113 270 7002 or e-mail us on info@harrisandgreensolicitors.co.uk
Why Choose Us!
Harris and Green Solicitors have recently extended their services to include family law. Although we are family law solicitors in Leeds, we don’t just cover the Leeds area. Our family law clients are national and span the whole of the UK.
Expert Solicitor
We provide tailor-made visa applications to the Home Office in the UK for further leave, indefinite leave, Discretionary leave and applications & representations to British Embassies around the world.
Unrivalled Service
For further information on how we can assist you and your family come to the UK, please do not hesitate to contact our qualified UK immigration Solicitors on +44(0)113 270 7002 or e-mail us at info@harrisandgreensolicitos.com
Fast Support
Our clients include SMEs, large corporations, high net-worth individuals, entrepreneurs, skilled workers, students, temporary workers, visitors, partners, EU nationals and many more from around the world.
Bespoke applications for Tier 1 Entrepreneurs and Investors under Tier 1 of the Points Based System. Business immigration, including those under Tier 2 General, Tier 2 ICT and for foreign companies wishing to set up a UK branch.
- 10 years lawful residence
- 20 years un-lawful residence
- Access to child visa
- Accommodation
- All Visitors
- Appeals
- Breaks in the 10 years period
- British Citizenship
- British Citizenship Applications
- Business and Special Visitor
- Dependants
- Domestic Violence
- EEA Family Permit
- EEA Residence Card
- Entrepreneur
- EU and EEA nationals
- Family Visitor
- Fiancés
- Fixed Fee
- General Job Offer
- General Skilled
- General visitor
- Human Rights Application
- Marriage
- Medical Treatment
- Naturalisation
- Permanent Residence UK
- Spouse, Same Sex Spouse and Civil Partners
- Unmarried Partners
- Visiting the UK
- Worker Registration Scheme