If you are exposed to vibration beyond the normal levels you can get a condition called Vibration White Finger. Vibration white finger also known as hand arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) is a recognised disease under the industrial injuries scheme. The condition affects the fingers, hands and arms. The symptoms in this condition include white fingers, coldness, aches, pains tingling sensations and numbness.
Vibration White Finger usually derives from the operation of power tools such as;
- pneumatic drills
- power drills
- vibrating plates
- chain saws
- power sanders
- grinders
Workers that are most at risk are:
- road workers
- workers in the construction industry
- railway workers
- Mechanics
- miners
- building contractors
- forestry workers.
Workers using equipment that may cause HAVS are protected by guidelines.
It is the responsibility of the employer to ensure that training and safety equipment are provided, regular breaks are taken and all equipment is regularly maintained when using vibrating power tools. However if it can be shown that employers have been negligent and have contributed to your condition you could be entitled to a handsome compensation. Here at Harris & Green Solicitors we believe that you have a right to justice and are entitled to white finger compensation from your employer.
Simply contact us today on 0113 270 7002 or email us to book a free consultation.
Why Choose Us!
Harris and Green Solicitors have a specialist team of personal injury solicitors and litigation lawyers dedicated to dealing with personal injury cases. Make your claim without having to leave your house. As part of our commitment to you it is our job to make sure your claim is as hassle free as possible.
No Win - No Fee
Under a Conditional Fee Agreement we will not charge for any of our time if the claim is unsuccessful. If the claim is successful then the other side will pay our fees, including the success fee.
If you win you receive all your compensation, there are no deductions.
Fast Support
Not only are we regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, we pride ourselves in tailoring packages to meet our clients individual needs.
Unrivalled Service
We handle compensation claims for many types of road traffic accidents including car crashes,
- Motorcycle collisions
- Accidents on the motorway
- Injuries to pedestrians
Industrial Disease
We have a specialist industrial disease department experienced in handling claims for most forms of industrial disease.
Very often industrial disease results from exposure to a substance or an unsafe working practice over a period of many years. Claims often involve the detailed investigation of an individuals working history and type of exposure to determine whether a claim can be pursued. In certain types of cases symptoms can become apparent after several years.